BTS Slow Love Knitwear Vlog

BTS Slow Love Knitwear Vlog

Yep, you heard it here first!
Over the Christmas break (you know, during that lull in between Christmas and New Year where you literally don't know what day is, and your body make up at that point is about 90% cheese) I had a long think about what I wanted to provide for you guys.
Vlogging feels so personal, and I know you guys are just as passionate about killer knitwear as I am.
This is such an exciting time for Slow Love Knitwear, and I really want to include you all in more.
Vlogging is not something I'm used to doing, unless it's a news worthy chat - so it's taking some getting used it.
Luckily, my social media manager is absolutely amazing and already ten steps ahead of me in the planning department!
I want to bring you into my little knitwear circle, and show you how I'm learning on the go. I'm not just talking 'streetwear style inspo' (although I do love that!) but the nitty day-to-day of running a business. Spoiler alert - I can't do it alone!
It's been a particularly hard week for me over the past few days (I'll leave it for the vlog for you to see why) but I hope you enjoy watching it.
Here is the first week!